Monday, July 13, 2009

au revior!

howdy guys.

sad/bad news.
im quitting club penguin!

yeah wow shocker huh? not really. but im starting 8th grade in like a month and some days. and im moving september 1st. so i dont really have much time to get on. and i cant really find the time to get on anymore. so we need to keep in touch!

yall just give me email, IM account things, and what not. i might not be able to reply fast because for awhile i wont have interent for when i moveee! gahh this is lame.

but yall have been super great! i made some awesome friends and yeah you get where im getting at lolol.

and pengie! sorry i wasnt here when you said you were quitting, but if for some magical reason youre reading this, you need to keep in touch with me too! lolololollllll.

okay guys! well ill be on in a couple days to see who im going to be keeping in touch with! and maybe every once in awhile make a post for some random reason. so yall have fun on club penguin. keep it rockin, and totally talk to me for anything and everything!

ill miss all of yall!


  1. oh jeez, and if yall are one of those kids that are old enough to actually have a myspace (coughcough angie better hurry up and get hers!) yall should totally tell me(: because myspace is quite addicting so im on it A LOT.


  2. awww lol chels! yh i havent been on cp in agesssss... im quittin soon 2 ;)
    ps. relax chels! myspace is (hopefully) coming soon

  3. mmmm hahah whenn is soon?

    and duddeee when do you get that computer and blah?

    gahhh why do i keep coming back to the blog!? oh yeah because im ADDICTED to myspace and thought 'hey maybe i should check comments?'


  4. lol chels again ;) i sent u an email...not sure if u've got it yet. soon is... around my bday which is in 3 and a half weeks :D lol ill c if i can get myspace sooner :P oh and the skool givs out the laptops i week b4 my bday ;)

  5. ahahah yeah i read it! ill reply to it later, and gahhh my blog is like making me come back. its like a force of habit or something. and dudeeee then make a myspace when you get them! and happy early birthday lolol.


  6. Yeahh I understand...

    Hmmm... I don't really want to give out my e-mail 'cuz it has my real name in it & well yeah... (Not that I don't trust you!! But some crazy stalker dude might visit this site for some reason & uhh yeah lol.) But you know my blog & twitter right? Lol.

    - A r t i c p o l a r 1 0 asks: What's au revior mean? Is it french? Lol...

  7. Au revior mon amie ;-) I'll miss ur Tee heeing and sothern accent lol, drop me a line sometime k

  8. yyeaa k chels. also, i cant give my e-mail away cuz it has my name in it too...same reason as artic.. hey, we'll talk to each other on twitter k? Still keepin mah cp twitter but ill change the piture soon...

  9. jeez guys! y dont u email chels first with ur email address in it?!?!?! simple as that!! oh right nowwww u come kiwi ;) wen every1 is quitting lol

  10. lol angie...and yeeah kiwi...i dont check my e-mail much anyways so yeeah...
    ~Ice~ can eat regular food now!
    PS. Can't you just keep the blog and we keep talking on here? Just change the blog name and we just chat on here...

  11. Hi! Zxz192 here! I was just wondering if you wanted to join the CPGA Drum Line! It is like a band thing for the CPGA. We play different instruments and stuff. There is electric guitars, drums and more! So, wanna join? If so just click on this link and leave a comment with your penguin name and say that you want to join and say the instrument you want to play. AND REMEMBER TO SAY ZXZ192 SENT YOU! Bye!

    Oh and sorry to hear ur quitting :( u were like a mod and stuff on loads of ppls cp cheats site. well ur name was on them anyway lol

  12. Ahh, that's both good ideas Angie & Ice...!

    - A r t i c p o l a r 1 0 needs a bigger fan... It's so sunny today!

  13. ahaa, okay i guess i could keep the blog...but not talk about cp? but idk what i would call it. and haha wowowow. yeah i guess i understand yalls 'dont want to be stalked by random weirdo' idea lol. well if yall want to email me, its lalalalala. mmmm yes au revior it french, it means goodbye, i think haha. and hiya kiwi, yeah teehee wow lol forgot all about it. and my southern accent is so awesomee, lolol jkjk(:

    yall think of what to name it, and blahblahblah. email me because yall know you want to :DDDD

