Tuesday, May 5, 2009

mmmmm, clubpenguin(:

hey guyss(:

sorry i really am.

idk how long its been lol, but i had a banquet last week, and i had to study for finals, and currently am.

i really do NOT have enough time to write stuff right now,
since schools over soon and all the stupid finals i have to take, so if i dont post in like 2039482308 days, then im really really sorry.

anddd, im thinking about quiting :O

i mean seriously im too old for this lol (not really), i have a lot of weekend plans, too much school work, and im WAYWAYWAYWAY too lazy to turn the computer on lol.

but im not fersuree, im still thinking about it.

SOOOO, club penguin stuff(: wooo, we get paid now! how cool is that? way, not that i need the money lol, jeez. i dont even know what to say ahah.

welll gotta go studystudystudy (blehhh)



  1. Lol, i dun study at all! and how do you delete comments?
    Not much of a blogger expert here...and from the other post, artic, you keep making stuff up, lol.

  2. lolol, its complicated to explain. wait no its not! and i didnt even read them all, because there was like 2093847203984 pages of nuh uh so i was like uhmmm, and kept scrolling lol.


  3. I'm almost done wit my tests, just about on thursday we finish. im glad tho...

  4. Wanna go on the chatbox? And if anyone else supposebly comes, maybe go to the chat. SUPPOSEBLY. (however you spell it)...

  5. Suuuuure i do... lol, well what do you think i should believe in?

  6. believing??? LIKE Religious stuff??? I will not talk about that because many fights can start... UM I deleted the comment with all of the NUH UHS I mean chels you could have too! Or just scroll with the mouse DON"T USE THE ARROWS they are WAY SLOW! LOL so CPGA invasion this Sunday check the site and come if you can... UM... lets see... well TESTS like finals??? or like state tests??? I need to take finals like in 2-3 weeks but don't we all? UM... AIRPLANES CRASH!!! (but so do cars and you are more likely to die from a car crash while drivin to the airport than dying from a crash of an airplane SO DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT!!! and um I enjoy flying THIS IS YOUR CAPTAIN SPEAKING WE ARE MAKING AN EMERGENCY LANDING BECAUSE I SAID SO!!! LOl jk...


  7. actuallu no mrp not all of us need 2 take the finals ;) since australia is smart, u just do a bunch of assignments and only a FEW exams during the whole year that affect your grade and report card. pretty kool huh? so now... i got 2 assignments and 2 other exams coming up but not planning 2 study though ;)wat 4?? i get As anyway lol

  8. ya... aussie is smart but i is moving to CALIFORNIAAAAAAA!!!!!

  9. lol thanks dark(:
    gosh i fee bad, are you new?

    uhmm pengie not state tests, finals. and i have like two weeks left of school!! yay(:

    and yeah talking about religions start fights, ahahha like what happened awhile back.

    pengie (again) oh i never thought about deleting it lol.

    kiwi, yeah i sure will SIKEE lolol.

    juhh, i thought you lived in cali to begin with?

    angie, ahhah whatever! im smart, i have a 3.867 as my gpa! whattt(:

    artic, lol whatt? so confused hahah.



  10. what now!!! LOL good one chels... oh and um... SO because you are smart you don't have to take tests??? I don't get it I am smart but they still make me take them... I think it is just cuz they are different... and HI darkpuma, even though you won't be back or if you do come back it will be only to advertise for yoiur blog.. UM AIRPLANES GO WOOSH!!!


  11. P.S. chels since you just commented like 15 min ago you might still be here I will be chilling...


  12. I heart the CPGA!!! (weird cuz i a boy but I can heart stuff right???)


  13. no i still have to take the tests, but im just saying im smart because of what angie said. awhhh is that all he was here for :/ makes me sad lol.


  14. I think so... sorry to crush your bubble... MAYBE HE IS GOING TO BE A NEW PERSON!!! maybe... but I saw his advertisement for his blog on all kinds of sites... EVEN THE CPGA one...


  15. wowee, seriously? jeez using me for advertisement! that hurts, he probably hasnt even heard of me before! how mean lolol.


  16. hm... again sorry to POP the bubble... DON'T take it personally though because he did it for a lot of people... want to go to the chat??? I mean you wanna go to your chat or CPGA chat??? or stay here???


  17. ehhh my chat, i havent been on it in awhile lol.


  18. lol....omg, i JUST finished my hwk... Question!
    Q: If you could go back in time(any time, even when dinosaurs existed), where would you go back to?

    Q2: If you could go to the future(any, even the year 5000 lol), when would you go to?

    Hahahaa, you must answer these questions or the ghost o time shall haunt you forevah! >:D

    Please answer them. :D

  19. My answers? Weeeeeelllll...

    Q: If you could go back in time(any time, even when dinosaurs existed), where would you go back to?

    My A: Mmmm...maybe to the time to the person who invented school n hwk. Then sock em in the face.

    Q2: If you could go to the future(any, even the year 5000 lol), when would you go to?

    My A: Weeeel, I would go to the time where you could fly and there were bubbles where you get transported to places....at least some exercise...haha.

    Any similarrr questions or answers?


  20. I'm soooo bored. Anyone in the Kingdom O Boredom? I am. And stuckkkk....HELP ME!

  21. Posting a, well, post! bout wigs n stuff.

  22. lol pengie isnt the bubble bit from meet the robinsons? we watched that this year in language hahaha.

    yeah right now were going over german propaganda, and about the natzis and the jews, we read the devils arithmatic, and we watched the movie yesterday. its so horrible :/


  23. ok ppl i would really appriciate it if you could check out my blog and comment plzzz cause i cant start blogging if no one is coming to visit my site so plz try and go to:peppercp.blogspot.com thx bye-bye
    ~Pepper KC

  24. wow you people use big words like "propaganda" and "devils arithmetic" and "GPA" and "bubble" (kidding 'bout this one lol)... Dont get me wrong, big words are awesome. sorta...

    lol icery... poor schoool&homework dude. i would travel way way way back 'till i was in the future, and then travel way way way forward 'till im in the past, lol.

    Mmm, it was only a simple question, lol. i meant like mythical things, not religious things. Hahahaha...

    lol MrP flying is fun... buuuuut i wish there were more ways to fly without the altitude or something hurting you or something...

  25. what i mean by that is that i wish there was a way you could fly without an airplane and the altitude or something wouldnt hurt you. wait, is altitude the same thing in the sky and water because if you go low enough the submarine would go kerplooey? or is that pressure?

  26. waaiiit does altitude even affect flying or is that just mountains?

  27. lol wth? i didnt say u wernt smart i was talkin' 'bout the aussie government!!! i mean like, not only 1 test or exam determines everything in ur grade and stuff lol
    and yer, auzzie doesnt use gpa 4 highskool only uni

  28. OMG! I handed in my homework last Friday and guess what I got......A TICK and wait there's more A STICKER! The teacher was so happy I finally did some homework she gave me a sticker, how good is that and how sarcastic am I?!? IM BORED IF U CANT TELL!!! ;-)

  29. Hi everyone,

    Cool post as you rock!
    Um everyone... feel free to visit my blog at:
    I would love you to comment there, follow, vote and comment as much as you want!

    Hey it's been a while since I was here. Just wanna say that this guy up above is like visiting 50 sites and copying and pasting this message everywhere :/ so ya......


  30. Mrpengiewin you are CPGA crazy!!! ROFL just sayin not to overadvertise.....

  31. dude, are people just useing my site to freaken advertise! i mean come on if youre going to do that, atleast get to know us!

    people are so rude these days.


  32. i know chels! and artic, still. dont you hate hwk? well i do. who LIKES hwk??! and yeaaah, the bubble part was from that movie...heh. steeel...(still) heeeeey, you havent anwr my questions....so sad... ;( lol jk. at least answer them???

  33. lol okay im answering now.

    question one:uhmmm id probably go to the the 1940's, because as you know i just learned about the natzis and stuff, but it would be pretty scary.

    question two:lolol to like 28934120349812 because everything would be hightechh ahahha!


  34. haha. lol, i wish i had magic. errrrr....posting right now...

  35. soooo boring...

  36. Need sum comments...more hits...OMG, so close to 5k hits! can you guys come more often to my site? i need more hits...bout 200 more..

  37. Having a party soon....maybe on a Saturday? Wait, yeah. Or maybe a Friday...

  38. ahhh, well idk if i can make it.
    i have plans friday and saturday!
    and my views stopped at 2100, is that like the maxx?


  39. hey, i come here like everyday i can go on. i have like daily stops. lol. idk...try using a hit counter then add it? but thats a lil complicated lol...

  40. lol yeah its probably too complicated, oh well.
    because i think it just stops at 2100. weirdd.


  41. lol chels! thats ur profile views not ur sites hits!! lol we made chocolate crackles in maths... something gotta do wit ratios... but anywayz they wer yummy ;)

  42. you ate your radios??? That would be awesome! Eat your homework yum yum!!


  43. ughhh, my moms making me mad! :/


  44. lol atheltico... yeah..eating your hwk.. and lol chels..how? angie, what ARE chocolate crackles? i dont think ive seen em before

  45. because she wouldnt let me go to my friends house! hahahahahah, and maybe angie meant crackers? ahha.


  46. whoaaa havent posted in a while huh.

    chelsea i was on break in cali but i went b ack to aussie but then my parents said we move to cali n ya.

    pengie lol crazy CPGA stuffs...

    ice lol hit counters are weird...

    angieeeee, choclate cracklesss yummm

    heyyy atheltcio ahh radios and homework...

    kiwiii ur backkkkk lol

    well thats all 4 now

  47. oh SO sorry for not saying hey in a few days... I am back now... ICE-
    A.1- I would go back to REV.WAR (U.S.A.) and would help the U.S.A beat the silly Brits... (no offense to the silly Brits...) oh and...
    A.2- I would go to like when I would be like 60 and see what new tech stuff they would have!!!

    ARTIC... I think that if you go to high like altitude then the air is all thin and you can't breath... IT IS LESS PRESSURE so they actually have to put pressure in the airplane so people don't die!!! and um... lets see don't eat a radio, you can't digest it well enough... UM if I didn't respond to what you said I AM SORRY but there are a LOT of comments to respond to so just holla and I will be there to talk (cuz I love you guys but not in the creepy stalker way...)


  48. oh juh you was in cali but now you back but soon you move back to cali??? LOL CONFUSIN!!! Oh and HI KIWI!!! sup??? you rox!!!


  49. guysss!!! come on pplz!! AS IF U HAVENT HEARD OF CHOCOLATE CRACKLES!!!! ther soooo yummy!! and i said RATIOS not radios!!!! do u even know wat ratios are?!?! read ppl, read!! and chels... would u plz send me a freekin email?! im dieing 2 know!!!

    ps. i suppose u guys havent heard of TimTams either!!! u americans r missing out on alot ;)

  50. Umm idk wat chocolate crackles are!! And ratios are like 4 boy penguins to 6 girls penguins (4:6) I think!! And who are da TimTams!!









    Check Me out!!

  51. yer thats wat a ratio is... but chocolate crackles r like rice bubbles mixed with chocolate and icing sugar and stuck together in a cupcake patty by putting them in the fridge :) timtams r like a thin chocolate biscuit covered with a wholeeeee lotttt of chocolateeeee!!yummy ;) feel sorry 4 u guys... u dont knoe wat ur missing...

  52. LOL when you said chocolate crackles I thought of *Snap *Crackle *Pop RICE KRISPIES!!! Oh and um weird... well I like cereal what is your fave??? Oh and ratios are like this... for every schoool bus there are 50 kids (1:50) RIGHT??? that is just an example...


  53. omg...so much chocolate angie...lucky! yes, we're missing out alot haha and yeah the ratios are like that sandy...
    daaaaaa i live in cali..but my dad said MAYBE we'll move to texas but i think hes just kidding

    hmmm my fave cereal is probably those honey bunchs o oats or something like that

  54. heeeey, you know theres the longest word in the english language and its like 1909 letters? and its like this formula of something

  55. koooooool, is it hard to pronounce? lol the longest word i know is Supercalafragilisticespedaleoshes, or however you spell it.

    My favorite cereal is corn pops... GOTTA HAVE MY POPS! lol corn flakes and cinnamon toast crunch together is pretty good too...

    Woohoo, saw a frog today at this park with this deep river and there was fish and sand and water bugs and rocks and it was pure awesomeness.

    -A r t i c p o l a r 1 0 wants to go to a park like the one with the frog, but with swings and a claw machine, lol.

  56. Venaco

    This is one of the most favorite Corsian cheeses and its name is according to the town where it was first produced. This cheese is made from the mixture of ewe's and goat's milk and it usually has a round shape. The period of ripening is about two months and the best period of production is from spring to autumn.


  57. artic you going to cheese.com for these??? LOL oh and the park doesn't USUALLY have a claw machine but when you grow up you can build one that does... ;) oh and um THAT IS A LOT OF LETTERS! Oh and superkalifragalisticexpialadocious!!! remember that one day when we spelled stuff backwards artic??? (I wanna airplane when I grow up because being an airplane when i grow up sounds too hard...)


  58. artic u must be in love with cheese...lol. and WOAH! that is a one long word. i got 3 club penguin coin codes! i used 2 but i will save the last one and i MIGHT and i just MIGHT give it away... and i like airplanes except for that time when i puked...

  59. lol yeah, i want to try Zanetti Parmigiano Reggiano, it sounds goooooooood. and yup, i remember. (eht... spuccih eht i evah figure this one out, its scrambled too...)

    Yeah, i would install a huge claw machine filled with lots of things...

    -A r t i p o l a r 1 0 is scared 'cuz of the death in W.A... Stupid swine flu...

  60. Happy Mothers Day!! My friends just gave me a makeover and I look HOT (sizzle)!! I feel awesome!










    Check me out!!

  61. yeah LOL poor WA and swine flu sorry I had to tell you Artic... UM it says you have the hiccups POOR ARTIC (did you know that hiccups are the first symptom of swine flu? JK!) um... lets see airplanes are awesome cuz they are BIG, small, SkInNy, and TALL!!! LOL hm... also who likes SODA POP??? and do you say SODA, or POP??? (or both?) cuz it depends on where you live...


  62. Well at least i don't have the swine flu... Hopefully it won't spread to the part of W.A i live in...

    lol, my hiccups went away after lunch.

    i call it soda... i want a mento... kerplooey.

    lol me and my friends are playing with ants... its surprisingly interesting watching them.

    -A r t i c p o l a r 1 0

  63. Happy Mother's Day! Wahahah, i dont have the swine flu...*cough cough cough* haha jk. aaand there was this other word thaths like 45 letters and it goes something like this:


    i forgot..thats like what 39 letters? something like that!

  64. okay jees sorry!

    okay uhmm idk where to start, and i barely remembered all i just read!

    so i hate cereal! lol it gets all soggy.

    uhmm chocolate crackles make me think rice cakes but chocolaty.

    i feel like i have swine flu, because i keep coughing lolol.

    uhmm angie i know ill write you one! just hold your freaken horses! ill write it tomorrw!!!


    i forgot what else i was supposed to say.


    two more weeks of school!

    and now i have to finish typing my report!


  65. lol..lucki chels. 2 more weeks. nuuuu...my mom cut my hair really short and i hate it. :( i like my hair long..

    also, thats not how you spell the word. its something like this: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
    ...i think.... its from mary poppins

  66. there it also backwords...lol! Suoicodilaipxecitsiligarfilacrepus

    Go here for the lyrics to the song...


  67. heyy kiwi lets meet i really wanted to be buddies with ya.ill be using my penguin rockhoppergp. lets have a RANDOM party!

    day: tommorow
    time: 6:00 PST( that means new zeland is 6 in the morning.
    server: canoe
    room: ice rink

    hope to see yall peeps there!

  68. hey kiwi! havent heard from u like in a loooong time. and juh, is it pm or am the time...i still cant make it...

  69. hey kiwi(:



  70. uh LOL Ok so here is the deal... DIET COKE AND MENTOS IN YOUR STOMACH WILL NOT BLOW YOU UP!!! (mythbusters tried it the diet coke loses its fizz when you drink it...) and um WHAT IS THIS? THE QUEST TO FIND THE LONGEST WORD??? LOL anyways I want cereal i just ate tacos...


  71. dude i hate cereal! lol.


  72. heyyy kiwi... its PM ice, sorry u cant make it, even though ur my buddy lol. chelsea n kiwi n angie arent on rockhoppergp lol. and mrpengie isnt the tacos a club penguin army? Lol...
    one time a drank a can full of sprite and accidently ate mentos... it was like fizzing in my stomach lol *fizz fizz*. kiwi ur finally answering questions on MIMO'S site. and umm this guy named unknown went on cpga and said i will destroy lauras site and ur next cpga. ok so i have no IDEA WHO IS THIS UNKNOWN OK? lol longgggg comment yaaaaaaaa, lol. hmm i like french toast wit mustard:)

  73. and about the cereal, its BLAH:)


  74. uhmm unknown guy reminds me of weirdo guy that kept coming on here :/ aughhhh.

    and whats rockhoppergp?

    cereal is tre tre tre ewhhh, ahah.


  75. chelsea rockhoppergp is my penguin AFTER juh76t got banned forever on club penguin. i always use him(duh)lol.


  76. sorry juh i cant make it! and i like cereal!! well... only if its cocopops! yummmmm! well dont tell me u guys hav nvr heard of it!! its so chocolately!!!!!!! lol

  77. Darkpuma said...
    Hi everyone,

    Awesome post as you rock!!!
    Um... everyone can feel free to visit my blog at:
    Oh... and comments there,remember to be my follower as well...
    Thats it!

    id just like to say that this darkpuma is going a zillion of sites AND EVEN ON MY OLD SITE saying this. except mimos lol. like EVERY SITE I KNOW HAS THIS COMMENT RIGHT THERE. and darkpuma im not going to ur site if u keep on harming cheslea's blog jeez. o BTW are u a fake beta tester? cuz u had the beta hat and i thought u were fake...

  78. okaaaay...

    lol quest to find the longest word...naaah..weird, i had tacos for dinner(sunday, but i keep thinking last night..wth is wrong wit me??) and today for lunch.. haha

    why does you hate cereal chels? lol

    and yeah, ive heard of cocopuffs...but the commercials are all the same...

    yeah, darkpuma, stop using chels' blog for advertisement(like he'll stop)...its annoying, using someones blog for advertising...


  79. thats the second time hes done that.
    and because i like to take my time and eat, but if i do, everything will get all gross and soggy. who would want to eat that? not me, so i eat my cereal in a bowl but with milk in a cup lolol.
    yeah i ahte cocopuffs ahaha.

    lol ice, dont you use my blog to advertise? lol!


  80. ugh i hate milk! it tastes all nasty...
    well anywayzz ill probly quit 2, the last time i was on was... well a really long time ago.
    well keep the blog at least or something. or maybe well just e mail.
    sorry if my post has like no relevence to the convo, i only read like the last 2 posts.
    guess wattt?
    i gotted a compooper in my room! yayy. except it has no internet.
    well watever... ill play soitaire all night on my computer until i get a boyfriend... hahaha
    ~*~*~Chloe Cullen~*~*~
    PS thats my new sig =]

  81. um i just read like half the comments and it took 4 evr.. i got bored so i stopped, haha. anywayzz us americans arent tooo dumb... my GPA is a 4.086 which is pretty high for a dumb ol american... lol! um... not much to type... well my favorite cereal is that cinnamon tosat kind. =]p
    ~*~*~Chloe Cullen~*~*~

  82. uh STUPID MEAN UNKNOWN PEOPLE!!! Ugh and now I am unsure if it was an old friend of Mia's looking for revenge or a FULL ON HACKER!!! (one that uses CP codes and whatnot to figure out passwords and junk...) and the worst part is that it has been such a big deal but not even a part of CPGA yet (they hacked and destroyed Laura's blog...)


  83. Or maybe Mia's friend IS a full blown hacker but is also looking for revenge.

  84. guys guys guysssss!!!!! i told u 2 read didnt i?!?! and i wrote COCOPOPS not COCOPUFFS!!! see thers a 'POPS' not a 'PUFF' at the end!!! lol an i sent u another email chels... email it... or else... lol

  85. hey guysssss. ya unknown is a retarted dude or dudette... wait a SECOND! that might be that ANONYMOUS from kiwi's site... i wonder... plus they MIGHT hack KIWI'S site... AHHH STUPID (sorry i just gotta curse)(really sorry i just have to chelsea so dont blame me) well that bitch unknown went on mryomama's site and posted and posted a comment saying this is another site to destroy and as he says he will destroy the CPGA and the NUBS and lauras site as well. well that lil ass may trick us once, but once we find it, its raw chicken. ANYWAYS...
    it might be flipmabob, mia's friend in real life, shes mean and blah. anyways, hers som info: i think this was flipmabob OR bepopflip(idk the difference between them) one of them said: i lost by best freind. her name was orange land. well idk what the heck is THAT gonna give u clues but good luck woah long post i will end it after the BEEP


  86. wow... maybe i should read the other half of the comments b cuz i have no idea wats going on!
    haha well brb i gots reading to do apparently!=]p
    ~*~*~Chloe Cullen~*~*~

  87. Mmm, drinking chocolate milk.

    Aaaaaaanyways, lol raw chicken. That guy from kiwi's site was stubborn...

    AUUUUUUUUUGH i just finished a book. I hate it when that happens, 'cuz then i have nothing to read. Lol I'm a speed reader... (Not trying to brag!)

    Woooooooo i love rubber duckies. Lol, especially the ones that squirt out water. Lol...

    -A r t i c p o l a r 1 0 is trying to piece together a eraser...

  88. lol artic, piecing together an eraser....and not exactly chels...lol haha...

  89. and angie, i saw it said cocoapops but i thought it was a typo...sorry..lol, never heard of cocopops. what are they?

  90. maybe some aussie cereal...? haha, good luck with that eraser. wow im going on ur blog a lot 2day chels! i just finished a book called the lightning thief and its like my new favorite book. i want to go to the library and get the sequel but my mom wont freakin drive me there... maybe b cuz everytime we go i check out like the whole library, haha.
    catch ya later ;]
    ~*~*~Chloe Cullen~*~*~

  91. lol yer it is an aussie cereal! "just like a chocolate milkshake, only crunchy!" well thats wat it says on the ad lol. guess wat guys?! i finished my english assignment and i had 2 write a 800 word myth!! and guess how many words i wrote?? a freekin 1600!! man that was DOUBLE the word limit!! i am soooo gonna fail lol. the teachers like 'i dont pay attention 2 the word limit unless its ridiculously over' and i was like, yep thats me! lol but i made the font like reallyyy small and pushed out the margins of the page ;)lol
    ps. chelseaaaa answer my emailll againnnn!!!

  92. omg chloe! the lightning theif!?!?! ive read that book and its uber good, yeah i have all four of them. i read a lot a lot a lot a lot. i have like over 90 books in my room. and yes i went and counted them lol. and ahahhah juh you had me crackin up over there! trust me thats nothing compared to what me and angie say on msn ahhahahahahah! and yeah thats stupid, if theyre so into hacking peoples site why dont htey make theirselves one and hack it. i think its stupid and retarded and theyre just jealous because they cant get anyone to look at their blogs. they need to get over the fact that they suck lol. wellllllllllllllllll im bored.

    and okay angie i will answer it in like ten minutes, because i have to go upstairs and clean my roomethh yo.


  93. haha i have 2 days of school left yayayayayayayayayayayayayayay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited!!!!!!!!!!!!! as you can see! bye-bye
    Pepper KC

  94. lol, angie, you got a lot of chocolate in australia...lucki, i luv chocolate! haha, 800 word limit, that suxs.

    ive been trying to read that series but i cant...theres like millions of books i wanna buy everytime we go to a bookstore but im only allowed to get 1... and yeah, whats the use of hacking? theres nothing to it thats fun...

    idk when school ends but i think liek somewhere in june 15... gaaah

  95. lol, my school gets out June 23rd. it was 'posed to be June 19th, but stupid snow days. well they were fun but whatever...

    Yeah, the eraser is tougher to fix than i thought. My gluestick is NOT working. I blame the rubberiness of it all... (My glue feels like rubber, lol.) I want superglue... That stuff stays! Once the bottom of my shoe fell off and we fixed it with superglue and it stayed for 3 years or something...

    -A r t i c p o l a r 1 0 has math homework. WHY WHY WHY!?

    PS. The eraser got cut up 'cuz i was trying to get the metal part of my pencil out... Yeah, it was one of those pencil top erasers. Lol, i got the metal part out though!

  96. oh lol, everytime we go to the mall like every other weekend, and i usually get four or five books a time. i finish books in like a day. i love to read lol. i read the whole twilight series in six days, and the harry potter series in a week. lol, i seriously loveee to read. :DDDDD


  97. haha me 2 chels ;)luvvv 2 read... but i dont read that much skool days cuz wen i start reading a book... i can neva stop... so i dont finish my hw & assignments lol and then my mum goes and hides the book. i dont buy books only borrow them cuz if i did... well lets just say my bookshelf isnt big enough and its already full lol. well yeah we havv loadsss of chocolateee yum! i liv in australia so like, we start the skool year in February not august like u guys do... and we hav 4 terms not 2 semesters... so my 2nd term ends in 6 weeks...
    ps. i finished the twilight series in 5 days so :P to u chels! lolol jk!! but trying not 2 brag... lol!!
    pps. answer my email agaiinnn chelssss!!

  98. hahah, yeah my book shelf is full. i have like over 90 books, i said that already right? and i did reply angie like idk last night? you have to reply to me.


  99. UGH all I hear is REPLY!!! LOL and wait I reead ALL of the comments and are you trying to say that you CUSS Chelsea??? GASP!!! Oh and um IDK why I am saying this but ARTIC is weird... yeah I know pretty dumb but I couldn't think of anything else to say except... TWINKIE-HO HO'S!!! OMG I want one I invented them (3.8 seconds ago) and now I must go make them by FUSING the Twinkie and the Ho Ho... GOOD LUCK TO PENGIE!!!


  100. P.S. it will be quite messy somebody better grab a SHAMWOOHOO!!! (or a ShamPOW if you watch iCarly...)


  101. its not a shamboohoo? its a shamwow, and yeah i saaw that episode. the one where she gets a bad boy for her boyfriend? ahahhahahaha. and yeah i cuss, woopsiesss. lol.


  102. hahha shamboohoo? i mean shamwoohoo, or whatever you said lolol.


  103. lol wat is up wit americans saying 'cuss' ?!?! lol. us aussies just say 'swear'... and we got a wayyyy load of that last night live at the football game (NOT soccer!! its auzzie footy)cuz the other team got denied a try (kinda like an american touchdown) by the video referee. but still my team rocksss, first on the ladder woot!!!

  104. Tell me what do you see, when you looking at me, (whooooah) On a mission to be, what i'm destined to be, (whoooah) I been through the pain and the sorrow, the struggle is nothing but love (nothing but love)I'm a soldier, a rider, a ghetto survivor, And all the above...
    Wooo i love this song lol.

    Lol i say cuss...

    Psssssh MrP you're pretty weird yourself lol. Good luck with the Twinkie-Ho Ho's, lol.

    Mmmmm, I'm drinking Root Beer and Pepsi together. It's good, but dude it goes right through-

    - 'Bout 3 minutes later -

    Well I'm back. Moving on... Well theres really nothing to move on to lol.

    - A r t i c p o l a r 1 0 is wishing she had some wires and a lightbulb...

  105. ahh unknown's butt is in the doghouse now(not really) hmmm umm uhhhh have u ever saw ur grandpa in his underwear? i never got a chance lol. shamwoohoo, shamPOW ahahahaha.
    mrpengie hmmm ur the weirdest cpg mod i ever knew

    arctic uhhh umm i cant describe u my mind is a rotten butt

    ok ummmm uhhh CHELSEA and wait u CUSS? lol i cuss when im totally mad and im like GRRRR like my whole face is red and im like scary...

    umm angie LALALALA I LOV TO READ(not)

    and um i LUV LUV LUV footy. too bad i dont play it anymore.

    and umm EMAILS blahhhhh ahhahahahaha ahhh im boredd and bored isnt goodddd mooooo


  106. lol, ive heard of the ShamWOOHOO!... never heard of shampow cuz i dun have cable....and i say either cuss or swear...doesnt matter...ugh...gtg. cya. (was at my cuzs house this whole day)

  107. peoples peoples guess what! my eraser is fixed! my rubbery glue got sticky, so it actually stuck together. But I'm missing a piece. oh well..

    -A r t i c p o l a r 1 0 wants a magnet too...

  108. lol, artic. you want alot of stuff. omg...did you see mimos post? he wants his song to go on radio disney...and i listen to it once in a while. whats the use of buying it on itunes then? besides for traveling...

  109. yes I saw it and guess what? ARTIC IS BUILDING A BOMB!!!! I can tell just look she has glue(sticks stuff together) and an eraser (has chemicals in it) and wires and a lightbulb and a magnet! (electricity for BOOM!!!) artic you better stop building a bomb or I will tell the FBI, and the CIA, and the Neighborhood watch!!! (JK) I would never tell the neighborhood watch...

    Oh and who called me weird! I beat up people who call me weird... (but only between the hours of 3 PM PST and 6 PM PST) JK JK JK!!! ha ha ok so um I had a dance last night... it was fun! I danced the night away and I mean like EVERY SONG!!! LOL u should have seen me... OK BYE!!!


    Oh almost forgot... so is footy like american football where you score touchdowns and fieldgoals and you tackle each other?

  110. Omg, somehow i keep getting logged out of Wordpress..that suxs...haha a bomb...anyone going to the party? im at it early...haha

  111. Oh don't worry... I still need a few more items before i can begin. (Such as a really big piece of chocolate. Yeah, i think my bomb will explode into chocolate.)

    -A r t i c p o l a r 1 0 says that if you put root beer and diet cherry pepso in the same cup, then stir, it'll overflow...

  112. uhhh mrp... 'footy' is short 4 'football' lol. aussies like 2 shorten up words. and aussie footy (football) is kinda like american football except u dont score a 'touchdown', u score a 'try' by actually making the ball touch the ground with your hands. after a 'try' (4 points) ur allowed to go for a goal (2 points) and then thers field goals which are 1 point. its kinda confusing but ur only allowed 2 tackle the person with the football ;) after 5 tackles the team with the ball must kick it. oh and u cant pass the ball forwards, only sideways and well yeah... wayyyy confusing and complicated but after u get the rules its awsomeeeee =) i reckon its better then american football cuz thers more action and excitement!!

  113. lol footy rocks... hey kiwi i notice ur FINALLY answering questions on mimo's site huh? lol and mrpengie footy is like football only theres tries and ya. its awesome! anyway artic ill leave u with the bomb... and uhhhhh nvm

    Juh76t(CPG MOD)(dont ask why i put that there)

  114. Yumm, chocolate. If it does explode in chocolate, make sure it explodes around the world..haha. woooow...footy is confusing...im not that interested in football...lol. and yeah american football has more action. argh...i hate getting logged outta wp...im too lazy to log in...nvm that

  115. lol no i meant AUSSIE football has more excitement and action cuz its just not all tackles... thers kicks and passes and... punchups!! lol thats wat happened friday night... oh and speaking of that, i forgot to tell u guys that the bulldogs fans started throwing bottles and toilet paper onto the feild cuz the referee said it was a no-try but it was a try and so yeah... and then the next day the ref got fired but who cares!! cuz we still won and im happy ;) lol

  116. ROFL ANGIE! and umm kiwi i really wanna be buddies wit ya! and uhh LOL kidomo(i think!) and ummm happy monday! uhhh lol CHOCLATE BOM! i though i was da bomb but oh well well cya laterz.


  117. LOL so was the Ref like one guy's brother or something? LOL cuz he was like totally favoring one team... anyways um... WHY DO THEY CALL IT A TRY IF YOU SCORE? They should call it a try if you TRY and a fail if you don't get it and a suceed if you do score. That makes more sense don't you think? I should talk to the commissioner of footy (if they have one IDK if Aussies do but Americans do IDK who he is though...) and I should tell him to change what they call it! LOL

    Oh and chocolate bombs? that wouldn't hurt many people so artic isn't a terrorist at least! ;) oh and um... I do not think that Root Beer and Diet Cherry Pepsi mixed together overflow unless the stirring makes them overflow but stirring makes any carbonated beverage fizz and then overflow... SO IDK but yes...

    ...Mrpengiewin (needs to get a nail clipper and a 12.5 ft piece of yarn)

  118. lol, sorry. my mistake...lol the ref got fired..haha happy monday...we got this rly mean sub today...that suxs...

  119. LOL juh you there? you commented like 3 min before me...


  120. MEAN SUBS!!! mwahahahaha sometimes subs are WAY meaner than the normal teachers.


  121. yeeah...ive been wondering why they call it a try...whos the other 2 pplz? it says 4 pplz are here... haha, mrpengiewin, your using artics siggie..kinda.

  122. lol, yeah..

  123. well I just said what I needed... artic used to make this mouse thingy like this... Oh and I think that juh is one of the 4 people... (which says 3 for me...)

    <:3)~ or something...


  124. heeey, check out the cp blog...the new post with the picture has a penguin with the blue circle around it! its called daisylemon...maybe they have another acc? haha....

  125. OK I shall... do you mean that that is one of CP'S accounts?


  126. maybe...haha thatll be cool if its billybob and you see that persons acc...

  127. yeah it will be one more CP person to look for when on cp


  128. Okay...now its 3 pplz...omg..sooo many comments that its hard to scroll up n down even tho theres a faster way...
    Question 'O the Week(just made by yours truly! :D): Can you type without looking?

  129. Yes I can I just typed this without looking very much and I am a good typer...

    this I typed with my nose LOL seriously

    OK done with the nose typing it made me cross-eyed...


  130. rly?? i cant exactly type with my nose.. lol is the cross-eyed permanant..if it was thatll be scary...lol
    Question 'O the Week: Can you type without looking?

  131. Idk if i can type without looking... Wait lemme try typing "Baaaa went the sheep." Without looking...

    Baaa wenr rhe sheeo.

    Well I'm not that good lol.

    lol we had a sub today and he wasn't that bad...

    Why do you need a nail clipper and 12.5 feet of yarn?

    And yeah about the bomb...I'm stuck.What can be the outer shell for the bomb!? How do they do it? Isn't the outer shell of a REAL bomb hard? Well i don't want my bomb to be destructive though. That could get me in time-out... ARRRRRRRRG!

    - A r t i c p o l a r 1 0 says she changed her sig so WHAHAHA MrP...

  132. yes still can type without looking LOL and um no not permanent just hurts a little bit on your eyes but is CRAZY fun when you think "I am typing with my nose!" you should try it...


  133. this was typed w/my foot

    this was not. ahhh foot typing is exhausting..and slow.
    Question 'O the Week: Can you type without looking?

  134. so you were the 3rd person artic? i believe so...haha
    Question 'O the Week: Can you type without looking?

  135. Bet what?

    And yeah it was me lol...

    - A r t i c p o l a r 1 0 likes foamy soap. WOOHOOHOOO!

  136. Hey artic sorry if I made you change your sig... Oh and um... for a NONdestructive bomb I would use like a plastic bag (or sillyputty) for the outter shell. DON'T GO TO TIMEOUT!!!

    ...Mrpengiewin (is wondering if Artic would have made a bomb if he hadn't said anything about a bomb...)

  137. Yeah, but will the fire burn the plastic or make it go kerplooey?

    - A r t ic p o l a r 1 0 probably wouldn't have made a bomb if MrP hadn't said anything 'bout a bomb but it sounded like a good idea and well yeah lol.

  138. LOL THX for letting me know Artic. I think I have to go like now and watch my new FAVORITE SHOW!!! LOL but I not tell you what it is... Oh and um the firey part WOULD probably melt the plastic but it melts the metal casing in a normal bomb too... IT IS NATURAL! OH and I was betting that you were the 3rd person on the site and I was right! OK BYE NOW!!!


  139. Ohh so that would explode too... Anyways i think i need now is a wick and fire lol. And Ohh again for the bet thing lol... Hmmmm wonder what you new favorite show is? lol...

    - A r t i c p o l a r 1 0 says np for telling MrP if she would have made a bomb if MrP hadn't mentioned it... lol.
