Friday, May 29, 2009


Well hello there(:

Okay yeah its been awhile, and I barely talk about club penguin anymore. Soooooo here it goes!

So hmm, theres a new catalog in the Winter Sports Shop! How dandy! Other stuff I cant buy lolol. 

Yeah so is Club Penguin going green?! Lol probably not, but all the green, plants, foliage whatever you want to call it is like EXPANDING! And oh yeah, whats with that jackhammer thing? This is all located at the beach, jeez like yall didnt know? But its all for the Club Penguin Adventure Party June 12-16. YIPPEEE, I hope its just not for members!!!

Hmmmm, igloo music. ANOTHER thing that is useless to me ahahah. And and anddddd, when you go to the Dojo area thing you get that deck of cards on the right bottom corner showing your ninja progress. Yeah thats also useless to me, since im a NINJA have been for like EVERRR.

Mmkay summer is like soooo boring lol.


Ttyl, Chelsea(:


  1. lol thats a big font
    Question 'O the Week: How many computers/laptops do you have?

  2. I have 4 computers, but 2 are like hopelessly broken... Lol. I used to have a laptop... Good times, good times...

    Anyways duuude(tte)s, Summers comin' to Washington too! But gosh its hot! Today it was like 85 and thats the highest its been for a while...

    School's busy... I hafta memorize a poem by monday... But i got MOST of it down. Sure, i still go Umm...Umm... but hey i have all weekend lol!

    Well thats pretty much all i hafta say!

    - A r t i c p o l a r 1 0 is wondering if any of you dude(tte)s read mangas?...

  3. lol i luv 2 read mangas!! well anything actually lol. but my friend is totally addicted 2 them ;) she full on reads them off the internet...

  4. its like 70 in ohio, so its not too hot... i was sposed to take home this map thing (huge project thing) this weekend and do it... but i didnt feel like it lol. i think ill do it during band on monday... its really dumb its like create ur own country and write boring stuff about it... i think the teachers r running out of things to make us doooo...
    catch ya l8r ;]
    ~*~*~Chloe cullen~*~*~

  5. PS changing my sig to Chloe Jackson b cuz of those olympian series... finished them yesterdayyy...=] chels is probly the only one who knows wat those r LOL
    ~*~*~Chloe Jackson~*~*~

  6. ICE: haha yeah i know it is pretty big, i thought i needed a change or something? and i actually capitalized my words lol, i never do that. not even when i write reports for school, because i hate how my capital letters look. my teachers didnt even care anymore, because they knew i knew that i was supposed to lol, 3.867 GPA guys!

    CHLOE: OMG I FREAKEN LOVE THE OLYMPIAN SERIES!!! doesnt the fifth one come out like idk the first week of june? or did it already come out? i love those books so much, i was totally addicted! after i read them i thought the whole mythogly stuff was cool so i got pandora gets vain? i think its what its called. hold on imma run upstairs and check!
    two minutes later:okay i only own two of them, pandora gets vain, and pandora gets jealous. i forgot which ones first and im not running back upstairs lol, well chloe if you want to know some good books just ask me because i ahve over 100 books in my room right now, no lie. and most of them are series so yeahhh,.

    ARTIC:OMG, i lovelovelove washington! i absoluty miss it yo! thats where i moved from. that would be super crazy if you had a friend that had a friend that knew someone that had a friend that was me lolol. i highly doubt it though. what poem do you have to memorize? oh and WHATS A MAGNA?!

    ANGIE: yeah reading is like the bomb tick tick, lol wow. you need to get on IM! and im about to reply to your email, and and yours to chloe! alallalalalallalalallalalalalalalalalal lolol.

    PS, why do yall call me chels? i always wondered but never asked. well yeah chels is short for chelsea so uhh. but lol btw you pronounce my name CHELSEE, like that lol. idk why im telling yall because im pretty sure yall know but, just incase ahhahahah.


  7. lol...oh and those books, i borrowed them because i never had time to read going to read it now...and i luvvv to read manga...what kinds do you guys read? and i read those books chloe...well not yet, but i know em. and chelsea you dun know what a manga is???? i dun know what a magna(not typo) is but ive heard of it... lol sorry chelsea...its just
    PS. Yeah that was lllloooooong...
    Question 'O the Week: How many computers/laptops do you have?

  8. ICE: what do you mean by 'oh and those books' lolol idk what youre talking about!

    i just had a hotpocket guys,
    mui delicioso!


  9. also a manga is a japanese styled book. the beginning of the book is like the back of an american book so it's like backwards. you read it from right to left and its like a comic. wahaha check out this picture..its from my favorite anime...(manga n tv show.) click the link below vvv and guess what it is.
    thats also what it looks like...kinda.
    omg..copy n paste on here wont work...
    Question 'O the Week: How many computers/laptops do you have?
    PS. I mean thoes olympian

  10. Lol that would be cool if i had a friend who had a friend that knew someone that was you!

    I chose The Lake by Edgar Allan Poe to memorize... He's my favorite poet lol.

    A manga is like an anime in a book... You read it from left to right instead of right to left, most of the time.

    - A r t i c p o l a r 1 0 is eating ice-cream, YAY lol...

  11. Lol nvm Ice got it (Explaining the manga thing i mean)

    - A r t i c p o l a r 1 0 says HIII ICERY!!!!

  12. haha lol sorry chelsea...i just go by replying in order..oh hotpockets~omg im soooooo bored
    Question 'O the Week: How many computers/laptops do you have?

  13. hiiii artic! lol...3 pplz! yoooooo pplz...
    im too lzy to do the question o the week...anyways everyone answered it..right? right??

  14. using chrome right now...sooo bored...

  15. what anime do you watch artic?

  16. My friend and I recently watched Fruits Basket... We're reading the manga right now... Go Momiji lol.

  17. heyheyhey,

    whats up guys?




  19. ahhh chelsea (see i didnt say chels this time ;) i went on IM like at 10am here in Oz (short for australia lolol) which is like 6 or 7pm wer u r!!! but u wernt on :( sadd facee. awwww lol. im sooo bored...last week i had like 5 exams and im sure that i like aced maths... but probably not french... id crack up laughing if it was the other way round lol! its getting cold her now... almost sad :(
    ps. for some reason i cant type Lolly137 up wer ther is annonymous...

  20. wowww that was looong chels! anywayzzz the book already came out and i read it (the fifth one) and the ending is sooo cute... but i have to kill annabeth nowq haha jk
    do u have an AIM angie? or is this some blogger thing i dont know about... hmm
    its nectarine and raspberry season again! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
    catch ya l8r ;]
    ~*~*~Chloe Jackson~*~*~

  21. oh and idk y i call u chels...
    i kind of just started typing it... did i start that? hmm i dont remember... watever. i have to IM my friend hannah b4 she gets annoying, haha.
    she doesnt want me commenting on here b cuz she thinks ur all stalkers... go figure haha u ppl r wayyto weird 2 b stalkers haha jk
    ~*~*~Chloe Jackson~*~*~

  22. haha lol guess wat happened 2day?! i was in french class and then my phone rang!!! and i was like :O uhh ohh... but luckily the teacher was outside the clasroom so she didnt hear it ;) it turned out 2 be sum random anywho. lolol!! andddd guess wa i found out 2day?? my mum told me that wen u laugh 100 times, thats the equivalent of exercises for 15 mins!!! so then me nd my mum randomly started laughing and then every1 was staring at us so it just made me laugh even harder!! lol awsomeeee =) also im reading this reallyyyy goodddd book about vampires again... i think this is my 4 series of books thats about vampire love story lolol

  23. Hey Chelsea!!

    Havent talked to you in AGES!
    Hows life?
    Hows school?
    Hows SUMMER?
    Hows everything?


  24. okay first off! SHIMBO OMG! lolol! omg how are you ahhh!

    i know its been like 0234982232094 days, well it feels like it!
    life is good lol, nothing to complain about haha.
    school was good the last week we had it lol,
    summer, well is now and im going swimming with my friends today!
    and everything is well just pretty dandy!
    tell chill, flair and crazy that i say hey! and that we need to talk A LOT more lolol(: talk to you soon (hopefully!)

    ANGIE:lolol sorry idk, i was either at my friends, or i just didnt get on. sorry about that hahahah. and dude, i dont have my phone on ringer. i have mine on vibrate because it gets annoying to hear the same song every five minutes! wow that laughing thing is quite funny. but how do you know when you laughed 100 times, lol you cant really tell! and yeah you told me about that book.

    CHLOE:dude are you serious! ahahhahahah i cant wait to go buy it! DO NOT, i repeat DO NOT tell me anything that happens in it! yeah you told me that chick said i could be a 30 year old guy. PSHAWW angie knows what i look like and its NOWHERE close to that!


    talk to YALL (that was for you shimbo!) later!

  25. Waaah, I was in the sun too long and now my face is all red...

    Awesome Chelsea yesterday was my friend's birthday, and today is my Grandpa's lol.

    LOL Angie I'm going to try that, laughing 100 times.

    - A r t i c p o l a r 1 0 says its sooo hooot...

  26. actually chels its a new vampire series!!! its called vampire beach and ive read the first 2 books; bloodlust and intiation. ther pretty good. omg guess wat again?! i got full marks on my engliah assignment AGAIN!!!:O not bragging though ;) lol and ohh noo... wer gonna dissect an eyeball in science, shiii...ooot lol! jeez hope im not gonna spewk!!



    ps, going to the pool again today, got tan yesterday and burnt ahha!

  28. ewwwwwww an eyeball! that is lol angie yeah, im going to try laughing 100 times...cya!
    Question 'O the Week: Are you out of school yet?

  29. My answer to ze question o the week: Noo... I think I only have like 2 weeks and 6 days left though.

    Angie is it a animal eyeball or a real human eyeball? Well either way BLECH!

    - A r t i c p o l a r 1 0 wishes she had AC in her house...

  30. OH MY ANSWER IS! yes im out ahahhahahaha(:

    ughh my back is burnt so freaken bad, it hurts to lay down!


  31. nooo lol im not out of skool :( well the skoool system is weird here anyways... i got like 4 weeks of skool then a month break, ten weeks of skool, 3 week break, 8 (omg 8!!)weeks of skool then the summer break which is 2 months during christmas time cuz thats wen my summer is!!! then next february ill be in grade 9!!! so practicly another semester and a bit ;) the skool yrs r weird here...

  32. Question O' The Week Answer- Tomarrow's my last day! we're going bowling... how laaaame! lol last time i went bowling i got a 43... which 4 me is really good, haha! pool opens in two dayz, cant wait to improve my tan =]
    wow i really couldnt imagine christmas without like snowmen and stuff. so wat do ur christmas cards have on them? beaches? lol
    an eyeball??? THATS SICK! next year i have to dissect a cow's heart... ew
    has anyone heard from kiwi lately? just wondering, im start to miss his bigheadedness lol
    catch ya l8r ;]
    ~*~*~Chloe Jackson~*~*~

  33. Whoaaa that sounds diffrent from my school system...

    Lol good luck with your tan Chloe. And no, haven't heard from Kiwi. Think he's busy modding CPG.

    Dudeeee, I think I'm allergic to something... My arms are frickin red and itchy!!! Could it be hives? DUNDUNDUNNN!

    - A r t i c p o l a r 1 0 needs sunscreen... Field Day tomorrow!

  34. we had a kickball championship and we won! but then they started calling us cheaters and the teacher got really mad, lol. and im NOT out of school until like next thurday...and angie you've got a weird school schedule.. noo..haven't seen kiwi in a while...yeah probably he's answering Qs on mimo's site.. weird, i have field day tomorrow too for me! haha.
    Question 'O the Week: Are you out of school yet?

  35. im really tan now lol.

    and yeah imiss kiwi D;



  36. haha lol yeah australia is weird... especially the skools ;) i forgot 2 tell u guys that i hav a long weekend! i hav 2day off (friday) which is a staff day and then monday off cuz its the queen of englands birthday ;) lolol dont ask me y we celebreate that ;)

  37. Why do you celebrate the Queen Of England's birthday? Yeah, I asked...

    It's 'posed to be cooler today, only 'bout 76-ish.

    Yay field day today!

    I need a ride to school... Wish I could walk, I walked when I was six and now I can't... Lifes unfair lol.

    - A r t i c p o l a r 1 0 has 10 minutes till she goes to school... But no worries her dad'll drive her hehe.

  38. lolol yall are crazy.

    my mom wouldnt let me go to the pool >:|
    so im mad at her ahhahaha.


  39. lol yea pool opens 2marrow! school ended 2day, im going to miss the eighth graders now that theyre in high school... lol we dont celebrate any holidayz like that... we have school on like every holiday except christmas easter and all those monday ones (lol theres only like 3)
    i can just bike to the pool chels its by my house ;] but my mom doesnt like me too b cuz she thinks guys will look at me or something if im riding my bike in a swim suit and shorts watevs theres jogger ppl in my city running around in bras...
    ~*~*~Chloe! says that jogger ppl r disturbing!

  40. omg...field day was cancelled bcuz of the rain and the wind...that sucks. we were supposed to have ice cream. lol. now we're having it on monday. the queen of england's birthday?? weird... and chloe... lol...awkward...
    oh oh i wanna do this for once
    ~Ice~ is almost done with the first book of Percy Jackson and the Olympians!
    Question 'O the Week: Are you out of school yet?

  41. i dun wanna do that wordpress thingy anymore..i quitted the blog anyways... i needa get used to it i might accidently put wp
    Question 'O the Week: Are you out of school yet?

  42. Woooooo got back form a park where water shoots out and stuff and jeez it made me wet, cold, and HAPPY!

    Field Day was sweeeet! We lost at Tug 'O War though...

    - A r t i c p o l a r 1 0 is having a Barbie-Cue! Where'd I put that dolly?...

  43. haha we celebrate the queens bday cuz the english ppl kinda founded australia so well yeah... well im not complainin cuz thats an extra holiday!!! woot lol ;) wat i luv about australia is that nobody stares!! u can hav green hair and multiple peircings and girls wearing no bikini at the beach(ive seen that happen *shudder*!!!!) lol!!

  44. okaaay....more one stares? lol. for field day we have like i think about 10 activities? they took out the sack race and replaced it with a lame one, musical chairs...its boring...they dont even have words to it!

  45. Oooooherrrr, so nobody screams "PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!"? Eerie.

    Really Ice? We didn't even go to all the stations at my school, 2 hours wasn't enough... We had 20 stations... Not trying to brag.

    - A r t i c p o l a r 1 0 is sooo booored.

  46. im going to the pool tomorrow :DDD
    and yeah chloe i could bike to, except i dont really ride my bike anymore ahahhaha, so i either walk, or get a ride there.

    omg ice that book is the bomb like tick tick (:
    youre going to LOVEE it,
    ahahhaha i get the 5th one soon! lol we dont do field days anymore! i guess were too old or something.

    lolol artic i bet you had fun!

    well im watching the haunted mansion so ill talk to yall later!



  47. lol i put chelsea twice!


  48. Lol isn't The Haunted Mansion that one movie where Eddie Murphy and his family gets this house and its all haunted with the creepy butler and ghosts and corpses and stuff? Dude(tte) I love that movie! And yeah I had fun... There was this thing where water fills up in a bucket pours over and me and my friend would play but when it was 'bout to tip over we would stand directly underneath it and scream as the water drenched us lol!

    - A r t i c p o l a r 1 0 might visit that park with the frog and water and sand again! She hopes she does, even though the chances are kinda low.

  49. haha lol yeah no one stares!! its an aussie thing, everybody is weird in their own way and keeps 2 themselves lol! ummm we dont hav field days... probably cuz im in grade 8. hey hav u realised that thers just us girls here?!?! i just did lolol obviously!!! well im gonna go to The City today (its wat we aussies call it)...its where the harbour bridge is as well as the big banana, centre point tower and other really awsome places =) my dad works ther 2 :P (not bragging!) i wanna climb the harbour bridge but im too young apparently... so sad... but its like only 30 mins away from wer i am so yeah...

  50. lol yeah it is just girls! lol. oh and chelsea, im just reading the 3rd one already...haha. whats the fourth book called? lol artic ive saw that b4 and it was soo was like in soak city i think?

  51. heyy ppl! ice, the fourth book is called battle of the labyrinth, its my 2nd favorite... i like the 5th one best =]
    oh and chels, i found that pandora gets vain book at the library... it reely good so far.
    im also reading stargirl... AGAIN! lol im wayyyy too much of a romantic, i was watching titanic last night with my friend and like bawling my eyes out! lol angie the big banana! hmmm... we dont have any oversized fruit building things in ohio =[ lol
    catch ya l8r ;]
    ~*~*~Chloe Jackson~*~*~

  52. Lol I've read Stargirl... It's pretty good. I've never actually researched the Titanic, but I know it's a huge boat that crashed into an iceberg and sunk into the Atlantic and manymanymanyMANY peoples froze to death or sunk or ummm something. And isn't there this one lady who has a necklace or something? I don't really know lol...

    Lol Ice I've never been to Soak City before...

    - A r t i c p o l a r 1 0 hopes she will finish her poetry stuff tomorrow! (It has to be done no later than Wednesday... ^^')

  53. hey hey! havent talked to you guys in a while! ...
    uh yeah. lol ive been busy. only four more days of shcool! also been busy with asking out girls. lol :D

  54. i just noticed something. arctic polar your a girl?

  55. lol kidomo... and how old r u exactly...? lol the lift up 2 centrepoint tower took 4EVER to get up 2 the top!!!! i mean, i was fully squashed in the tiny lift which took 10 mins to get to the top!!!! well that was better than walking up all those stairs which takes u an hour...RUNNING!!!:O haha lol.

  56. oh yeah and i almost forgot... i ran into a wall today. yes a wall. so sad that it didnt see me coming. we wer doin pe and i was trying (i said trying not succeding!) to catch the ball cuz we wer playing 4 wicket cricket, which is an awwsoomeee game (and name!!) and then i forgot 2 stop wen i reached the wall... i encourage u all to watch out for walls wen playing with balls(rhymes!!) cuz the wall, unfortunely doesnt move for you :/ i found that out the hard way...

  57. haha yea so have i angie... except for me it was telephones poles...
    i wish we played wicket cricket in gym. basically i run around breaking stuff during PE until the soccer unit... then i win!!! haha well id probably kill someonje playing cricket, maybe its for the better =]
    catch ya l8r ;]
    ~*~*~Chloe Jackson~*~*~

  58. Lol owwwwww... I figured that out too, but with a table. Stupid table made me cry in school. >.<

    - A r t i c p o l a r 1 0 forgot to put her siggie on her comment before this one... Oooops.

  59. hmmm... im bored.
    theres npthing 2 do.
    heyy, just wondering who here is a blonde?
    oh that will b my question o the week... haha lmae rite?
    well i know i act like a blonde but im a brunette! lol
    ~*~*~Chloe Jackson~*~*~

  60. btw chels thought id say.... when was the last time u said teehee? i miss it =]
    ~*~*~Chloe Jackson~*~*~

  61. Racer here!! Lol. I just went through my comments and seen yours so i thought I'd stop by and say HEY!! Wishyou a happy Early birthday.

  62. Lol I'm not blonde... My hair is more a black/brown lol.

    And yeeaah Chelsea you haven't said teehee in a loooong time!

    - A r t i c p o l a r 1 0 has a stomachache... Waaaah.

  63. lol angie...i crash into everything..and chloe, how can you act like a blonde? lol. my hair is like a blackish with a lil brown..yeahhh chelsea, you havent said teehee yet? lol..yay! tomorrow is my end-of-the year party! what rly sucks is that i had to work ALL day on the computer to write a story...its 9 pages long but it wouldve been longer if i had more time...haha, who wants to read it?
    ~Ice~ wants to read Battle of the Labyrinth!!! Gaaah!
    Question 'O the Week: Are you alive?

  64. Whens ya Bday Chels? I'll have to give u a holla ;-)

  65. Hey im kinda a blonde lolz but I aint a dumb one

  66. hey its kiwi!!! havent spoken 2 u in agesss! lol sorry but if ur a blond ur dummbb!!! :P nahhh i aint a blond im a brunette but... i hav done 30 of the 39 blondest things :D yes im a blond in disguise. even ask my fwends i mean friends ;) lol!! i got that off a chain email :P haha but i really hav done those 30 things :S lol

  67. Ello Kiwi!

    Lol theres a list of the blondest things?

    My answer to the question of the week is: Yeahhh I'm alive and kicking lol.

    - A r t i c p o l a r 1 0 wants to read the 9 page story!!!

  68. heyy kiwi! and theres something called "blondest things"? lol. and you wanna know why i asked that question? bcuz i always ask pplz in my school and they say yeah...*gives weird look* and i say, hi alive. :P lol. its like asking are you (insert name here)? so its the same as are you alive? haha...i always get those pplz at school...nah, i change the Q. and artic, if you REALLY want to read it, i could give either a scan or the story in e-mail to you. i have it on word.
    Question 'O the Week(changed): How many parties do you have in school?

  69. heyy i took the blondest things test! i got like 28 of them... yea i guess im alive... lolz im chloe too haha were so lame. well my school has like only 5 parties. and we dont have dances til next year... well i mean this year, since its summer.and as for kiwi not being a dumb blonde... i doubt it haha
    ~*~*~Chloe Jackson~*~*~

  70. wooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! today was the last day of school and we gots like 10 bags of chips from the in the morning i was like, ppl! on the last 10 seconds of school, start the countdown...and then i totally forgot about it so we were like ........ lol! lol, i just searched the blondest things test and its weird...haha, ill let you know my score. :P
    ~Ice~ is eating spicy chips although she doesn't like them! (Weird...)
    Question 'O the Week: How many parties do you have in school?

  71. wahhaa i got one score higher than you chloe and lower than angie...xD i gots, im not even a blond... i have like 2 'parties' in school..
    Question 'O the Week: How many parties do you have in school?

  72. haha yayy were all blonds on the inside, lol

    sooo for any of you that didnt check it out, theres a new post on kiwis site (GASP! haha)
    so is eveyone here a brunette?
    b cuz i am, and so is chels (btw where r u chels? havent seen u in like 2349082645 dayz, haha) and ice and arctic and angie... is that all of us?
    ~*~*~Chloe Jackson~*~*~

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