Thursday, September 24, 2009


lol yall are crazy!

and woo dust storms i want one!

lalalallalalalala dude school is make me soooosooosooo tired. i woke up at 6 today, but ended up falling asleep for like half and hour and wow yeah. and OMG so i called my dad when i was in math and asked him if he could pick me up after school bc i didnt want to walk, and he said yeah okay. but when he picked me up he was standing like infront of the school and i was like 'why are you standing there' and he was all 'awh its okay chelsea blahblahblah' purposely trying to embarress me. omg it was like torture lol.

well blahhh i gotta do some more homework! and oh yeah angie, gaggle is my student email thing lol.


lalala, chelsea(:

Saturday, September 19, 2009



lifes good, schools good, everythings good.

woooo, go chelsea!

lalalala doing gaggle atm, lame homework stuff.


lalala, chelsea(:

Monday, September 14, 2009


OMGOMGOMG, crazy thing happened at lunch today.

i was in line with my friend kaity, and these dudes sid, sam, austin, ryan, evan, and austin were like CHELSEA COME SIT WITH US, and i was like uhhh....idk you.

it was hilarious beyond many levals man.

so how are yall? im so sorry im doing bad at my reso's!

tell me what to write about, bc im running out of things to say!

talk to ya laterrrrr!

lalala, chelsea(:

Saturday, September 12, 2009


omg you guys, i totally fail on my resolutions!!

ughughugh, sorrysorrysorry, i will try to work on them lolol.

welll my mental rentals are driving me CRAZY, blahlbhalbha houses blahblahlblahBLAHHH.

i started school friday...yesterday lol. it was funnnn(:


dude you guys, im like suppaa bored.

and my parentals are going to get pushed infront of a bus if they dont stop argueing about stupid houses, and our realtor, and school, and blah whatevs lol.

well im off!
i promise to work on my resolutions that i suck at like whoaaa.

lalala, chelsea(:

UPDATE: just for shimbooo, yallllllllllllllllllllll(:

UPDATE AGAIN: just discovered that im going to nashville tomorrow so i cant blog tomorrow!

Sunday, September 6, 2009


new years resolution, even though its not new years....

rules for blog:this is obviously a blog for my super cool internet friends, so i must spill everything lol.

NO YELLING IN CAPS, except when ranting about my parentals or my mean friends...or lack of friends ahah.

talk about super new life in super new city with a super new school and house.

blog everyday, or close to everyday.

identify this woo-woo mystery commenter that is oh so mean and leaves some mental comments.

tell me what you want to here, and how much in detail you would like it lol.

um...and so there shall be blogging!

lalala, chelsea(: