Thursday, September 24, 2009


lol yall are crazy!

and woo dust storms i want one!

lalalallalalalala dude school is make me soooosooosooo tired. i woke up at 6 today, but ended up falling asleep for like half and hour and wow yeah. and OMG so i called my dad when i was in math and asked him if he could pick me up after school bc i didnt want to walk, and he said yeah okay. but when he picked me up he was standing like infront of the school and i was like 'why are you standing there' and he was all 'awh its okay chelsea blahblahblah' purposely trying to embarress me. omg it was like torture lol.

well blahhh i gotta do some more homework! and oh yeah angie, gaggle is my student email thing lol.


lalala, chelsea(:


  1. wow long comment artic!! and lol chels we got ANOTHER dust storm this mornin ==' but it wasnt as bad as the other 1 and it lasted shorter... and these dust storms r only supposed 2 come evry 10-20 yrs!! lolz. anywayz gna go study 4 my math test.

  2. lol chels.... omg angie, ANOTHER dust storm?? and wow, 10-20 DO the dust storms come? oh and just found out diferrent authors write each story in The 39 Clues. 1st one is the best(the only one ive read so far lol).

  3. CHELS!!! CHELS!!!!!
    its chloe ;D
    im sure uve all missed me times 21287...
    sosoo hows it going? im kind of bored here in ohio... its raining 2day.
    im babysitting later tho... from like 4pm- midnite i think... time 2 caffinate XD
    anywayz, ill try to come on more often... its been about a gazillion years.
    27 days til my b-day
    catch ya l8r ;]
    ~*~*~Chloe Jackson~*~*~

  4. Yay Im on holiday 2 weeks! Im heading down to Queenstown 'the adventure capital of the world' lol you guys heard of it? Im pretty sure it was where the bachelor final was or sumthin, anyways no skool yay

  5. ZOMG hey guys. so bored. i dont want to go to school tomorrow! and hey chloe! we've missed you! tell your brother i say hey!

    lalala, chelsea(:

  6. October, October, rhymes with... Socktober... Floctober... *shrugs*

    lolol YAY FOR OCTOBER!!! (...)


  7. lolol woo for october,

    ughhh too many projects that are due monday.
    so i wont be able to post in awhile.


    lalala, chelsea(:

  8. Morning!! I don't hafta go to school today!! Because it's SATURDAY!! YAY!! I hafta clean my room...!!

    ~Artic x]
