Saturday, February 7, 2009


wowowooowowowow, apparently im tooooo lazy to post a picture. sorry guys. itll be up sooner or later. im trying to log onto club penguin as we speak, but its taking along time. on to other matters like well twilight(: and my poetry book.

i keep procrastinating with my poetry book. i havent even started yet and i supposedly "started" at ten and i still have nothing done. im like too wrapped up in twilight. i dont have the fourth book so i went online and typed in first chapter of breaking dawn. i was sucked into it. once the chapter was over i was devasted. its soooo good. and then i rememberd the paramore, had a song that was in the movie twilight, i looked it up and also as we speak i keep listening to it...its on repeat. teehee. its really good. if i can figure out how, ill put up a little thing so yall can listen to it too! ahahah probably the last thing yall would want to do hahahha. i never saw twilight the movie, and now i want to. but i cant. its not in theatres anymore so i decided once it comes on dvd in april, ill go buy it. probably the greatest purchase i ever made. next to club penguin membership ahhaha. well i know i should be talking about club penguin but its not my fault that im all about twilight. its my friends. heres our convo that happend like a week ago.
her:im reading twilight, i just bought all the books.
me:oh cool, im not really into twilight. and i dont plan on reading them. ive never seen the movie either.
her:oh i have, but the book is better than the movie. ill bring you the book once im done okay?
me:uhmmm yeah i guess sure. (i didnt want to hurt her feelings, and im glad i didnt!) its super awesome. if yall havent read it, i would recomend it, they are sooooooo good. the first line will hook you. and if you read it and dont like it...well then your crazy!! ahahahahha.

wowowowowo im really bored. about to eat lunch, oh i tried to put up the "whats different" pic but it was super small. maybe another time?

lol yes i did cross all that out. wayyyyyy too much twilight. i have just realized im beyond obbessed hhahahah. its nice outside today! 71 degrees. i hope it stays like this. im getting tired of wearing pants to school! teehee.



  1. lol make sure to check out my site i have the membership contest goin

  2. Hmmm not into those books and never will be I am a boy so you know.


  3. hahah okay ill go check it out. well yeah i guess. boys are more like "ewww books" and "its more of a chickbook/flick" ahahhaha no offence guys teehee. lol nothing really big is happening in cp. im still working on my poetry booklet. woo! two poems down. 18 more to thats not a lot or anything! ahahha its nice outside today. a first in awhile. 71 degrees and veryyyy sunny. i wish i could go outside! but of course school first.

  4. It's 55 degrees here, weird. But still, I don't get it! What's so great about Twilight, it's just a book and about a vampire and a girl and stuff like that? No offense to all you Twilight addicts/lovers. Wow, your longest post yet chels!

  5. 55 degrees farniheit is only 13 degrees celcius, its 34 degrees celcius in my city which is 94 degrees farniheit for u Americans, gosh why cant u just use metric measurements!?! lol o well

  6. ey chelsea, im having a membership party too on my site. oh yah, and im reading twilight too. im on chapter 29, what chapeter are u on?

  7. lol im on breaking dawn (4th book). but i havent started it yet. i get it monday from a friend. but im going to be very dissapointed if she doesnt bring it...well the school library has four sets of the whole series but well duhhh theyre alllll checked out aahhaha.

    well idk why cant yall use the standard measurements!?!?! hahaha. okay ill go check out the membership dilliesssss. and woowowowowoowowowow 94? well hahaha in the summer it gets 103 hotttttttt. and well gosh ice i just like it okay? lol and its not my longest post...i have a slightly longer poem. where? i dont remember lol.

  8. only 103 fahrenheit?? well today its gonna be like 115 degrees fahrenheit (45 celcius) now thats hot!! its been like that 4 the past 2 months!! i slept in my bikini last night!! so stop complaining everybody ;) ther r bushfires everywher in victoria and 1 very close 2 my suburb. and btw chels ur not an addict compared 2 my friends lol ;) u know i can always tell u wat happened...

  9. Okay, I know , I'm not trying to be mean. And I forgot what metric measurements are, I don't pay attention in math, LOL. And I think I saw your longest post, I just can't remember. All this math is making my head spin, talk about something else! ;)

    Also, I'm very busy today so I may not be able to make that party soon for you guys, sorry! Maybe I'll post the party details today. Check often. Also, comment on my blog if you're reading this! :)

  10. NO lolly DONT tell me!! ill read for myself ahhaha. actually i couldnt stand not reading it so i went online and looked first chapter of breaking dawn so i read the first chapter. but goshhhh im so so so axious. i mean i know what happens but not all though. ahhahhahah. lol.
    im still working on my poetry booklet!
    5 done 15 more to go!!

  11. r u sure u dont want 2 know... lol jking u can read it 4 ur self ;)

  12. lol yes i want to read it myself. it sooo intrigueing ahahah. lol i probably spelt that wrong. wooo myspace is addicting. ahaha i forgot i had to finish my poetry booklet so i hurry up and got off and started the booklet once again.

  13. haha chels u leave ur assignments till the last minute! i probably shouldnt be teasing ;) i do the same thing then end up with and A lol ;)

  14. oh btw guys my mums friend son reads twilight and hes 11 so ye. i cant understand it though ;) oh and icery its VERY addicting. u've got 2 read it 2 understand y lol

  15. lol yeah! what were you trying to say earlier lolly? i couldnt understand.

  16. hey chels i was trying 2 tell u on cp that ppl cant c ur snowballs until ur first one has landed. so if u do it super fast, it actually looks slow. i have made that discovery lol ;)

  17. and chels i still c u on cp for some reason...

  18. Chels you showed up for the second part of that huge battle that was on the server Snow Forts at the Snow Forts. It was awesomeand WE WON seriously we beat the strongest and largest army in all of CP. OH yeah!

    Thanks for showing up! BTW I am starting an army it is called CPGA which stands for Club Penguin Gang Army or Club Penguin Guy Army. So I hope to post any information about this on Daprankstar's site so keep checking.

    Mrpengiewin (Leader of CPGA)

  19. lol yeah. i just got on the server and found you and kiwi and i was like WOW whats going on hahaha. thats super cool! too bad i couldnt stay for the whole thing. i prefer Club Penguin Gang Army. lol. okay ill keep checking.

    wow angie! i didnt know that!! thats too bad. well aslong as i know theyre going fast then its all good. teehee.

  20. I am leading a small force of Red Rebels (most of which are nOObs, nOObs are people who don't belong to an army and are just random) I am leading this small army against a larger green army on Breeze at the iceberg right now. All available CPGA members PLZ COME.

    Mrpengieiwn:Leader of CPGA

  21. Darnnnn too bad I didn't read it earlier!! I'm super sort and next time be ready haha. Grrr dumb itouch it's very complicated haha.

  22. I meant sorry gosh it's being dificult.

  23. Ahh oh well Check out Daprankstar's site for more news I posted a comment that I hope everyone reads about a battle on the server Bobsled on February 23rd at 3:00 PM PST. I hope you can make it and plz check for updates.

    Mrpengiewin: Leader of CPGA

  24. We need to organize better seriously and get ready for some little battles coming up I want everyone who is going to be a soldier to post their name in a comment on Dparnakstar's site THX. It is to count how many people we have.

    Mrpengiewin:Leader of CPGA

  25. sorry, i had a game yesterday..and im proud to say. WE WON! hahah okay, ill go post my name.
