Monday, December 22, 2008


hey there you have lotssss of new people looking at our blog. pretty sweet. i still have you.....teehee, and you thought my blog was going to be awesome...well back to clubpenguin.

well rockhopper and coins for change left today, if you look at telescope on the beacon, you can see the back of the migrator heading towards rockhopper island. i also have a picture of it above. see my pictures ARE getting better!! teehee.
the christmas party lasts till the 29, and on the 25 they will announce how much money we raised!! i bet its a lot. how much did yall donate?? if youre a member, i bet yall already started decorating for the igloo contest. if youre new and reading this and you decorated your igloo, in a comment, post a picture of your igloo, i may not have anything to give you which makes it pointless to show me your igloo picure, but oh well. teehee. christmas day is in 3 more days, who else is completly ready? the day after christmas on club penguin, there will be fireworks up from the 26th to new years. have fun yall, and remember to report back here and read the stuff i have teehee, oh and tell other people about me!! thanks a bunch.
chelseabawb (:


  1. Sweet u got pictures awwww lol, I got lots of people on my blog so there mite be more people then i expected at the party, ill see ya there ;)

  2. Nice, you commented on my blog so I wanted to comment back

  3. Hey Chelsea nice clock thingy i was trying to get one of them but im pathetic on computers lol, man i got like 100 views in 2 days lol.

  4. Here's how to get your header like mine:

    1. First you need to design your header on the drawing program 'Paint'.
    2. You can design it to say or look like whatever you want, be creative!
    3. Now save your image as .PNG format.
    4. Now log into your blog and click 'Customise' at the top of your screen.
    5. Underneath where it says 'Navbar' (the blue heading about a quarter of the way down the page), you will se the name of your blog.
    6. To the right of the name of your blog (clubpenguinnn :]] in your case) you will see a small button which says 'edit'. Click this button to open a new window.
    7. Underneath the 'Blog Description' bit is a bit which says 'Image'.
    8. Now click 'Browse' next to the bit which says 'Upload From Computer'.
    9. Find the file you saved earlier and upload it.
    10. Now click the bit below it which says: 'Instead Of Title And Description'
    11. Click Save.
    12. Now click 'View Blog' or just type the URL in again.
    13. Hey Presto! The banner which you designed is at the top of your page!

    Hope this helped!

    If you are still stuck then please tell me and I will try to explain it better!

  5. Hey i was wondering if you could follow my blog

  6. How could i not put u on the list Chelsea ;)

  7. Thanks for following and I can't wait to see you at A kiwi boy's party
