Tuesday, January 20, 2009

club penguin society!

hey there club penguin society, and other people that had happened to drift here by accident thinking this blog was about something else. well its not.....its purely about club penguin, and well me lol. so im sorry you drifters, just drift back to google and please make your search more comprehendable, there are a lot of club penguin blogs so if you landed here, no doubt that youll land at one of them.

okay back to club penguin matter. i tried desperatly to get my pictures up here, but everytime i click the add image button it starts freezing up and doing funky stuff. im really hoping that it starts to work again soo, because if i dont get pictures on here its oging to turn into such a bad blog that the only people that look at it are me and those random drifters! well i guess ill just talk about it instead of showing you the pictures.

for club penguin, they ahve changed the log in page. there are i think 4 or 5 changing pictures on this page. all advertising memberships. apparently membership advertising is what theyre trying to do. they said, that they will be holding more members only parties, and other member things. also (my favorite one) they said that we would be able to go on full servers. so no more full servers for us! i think thats really cool. anyways, there is also two new changes on our player card, and bar on the bottom. if youre a member on your player card, there will be a little badge that says members, gosh there really like us dont they? also, on the bar instead of the star you have the badge also.

when i logged in, i recieved a postcard, thanking me that im a member. they seriously went all out. but whats really annoying is that everytime i log in, i get the postcard. i just finally started to ignore it. speaking of postcards, there are two new ones. the first is the squidzoid one, and the second is the dance off one. well thats it about new things. lets talk about things happening....right now lol.

im standing outside of the night club and there are a bunch and i mean A BUNCH of angry nonmembers. in all CAPS theyre saying we want night club and stuff along those lines. i wonder whats going to happen once they end up not being able to do anything. only two choices. buy a membership or quit. quite sad dontcha think? i dont even use the really rare penguin i have because i dont have a membership for it.....well idk what to say to that lol.
thats it for today, and thanks for reading this insanely long post.



  1. I'm pretty mad with Club Penguin, it's like they're making us feel jealous for not being able to go to cool parties and stuff. Well, I can't blame them for wanting money but I mean come on! Do members get EVERYTHING? I once even joined a protest one time for the Music Jam because we weren't allowed to meet the Penguin Band. Members get everything, clothes, parties, VIP, meeting Candence, Gary and the Penguin Band! At least everyone can meet Rockhopper.

    Did anyone see the inauguration of President-Elect Barack Obama? I watched it the whole school time! So we had no math, no anything. It was pretty awesome. :D

    Haha, this is a pretty long comment and it's on a pretty long post. LOL.
    P.S.1000 hits party info coming soon!

  2. lol. But seriously too bad for those nonemmbers. It's their fault they wont join. It's really cheap to buy a membership, so what ever ya know. OMG BE QUIET MOM. Ugh my mom is mad at me for reading your insanely long post; she wants me to eat dinner. Ugh i gtg bye (ps ill always look on your blog.

  3. lol yeah it was a long post.
