Thursday, January 15, 2009

party! party! party!

oh gee, why is it tiny? theyre usually too big! i still havent fixed my gizmo, so grrrr. anyways! good news guys! im having a party!! why? because i finally got 1000 hits! yayayyaayaya. i cant have the party tomorrow or saturday, i will be visiting my sister. so the party will be:
when? sunday january 18, 2009
time?2 pm (not noon lol) club penguin time.
where?dock and then go crazy and move to random places.
why?because i reached 1000 hits!
i would sooooo love if yall came to my party. if theres any dificulties, ill change what needs to be changed so that yall can come. im soooooooooooooo happy! yayayyayayyayya (:


  1. I'm not sure if I can come. But I hope I can! So it's going to be noon at club penguin time? Congratulations on 1000 hits chels!

  2. heyy chels sry i havent been on in awhile
    ill try to make it to ur party ;]

  3. Hope I can come


    (P.S. check out my site, I updated it!)

  4. Lol..You are like SO lucky to able to get into the Night Club!!
